Spell Jar Instructions
Spell jars can be used in a lot of ways but just like anything their use does come with some instructions.
Here are some instructions that you should follow once you get your spell jar:
- Prepare yourself. Get into a peaceful and calm state of mind. Take some deep breaths, or meditate for a bit. You can cleanse your space with sound or incense as well.
- Once in a calm state, write your intention in the past or present tense (do not use future tense) on the piece of paper. Fold this paper into thirds towards yourself, twice. This paper can be attached to large or small jars with the included twine. If you do not choose to attach the intention paper, or your have a jewelry jar, you can burn the intention.
- Hold your jar in your hands and hold your intention for the jar. You need to hold the intention firmly in your mind. Visualize it. Feel the energy of it. Sit with this in your mind, holding the jar until you feel surrounded by it and confident in it.
- Place the spell jar somewhere you will see it often to remind you of your intention, or for jewelry jars wear them when you feel you need your intention most.